Tag Archives: bowel movement abnormality

Colon Cancer: Look Before You Flush!

Colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, especially among the developed countries where food is readily available and affordable. Not too worry, however, colon cancer is treatable with good prognosis if detected early. Hence, let us take a closer look on what is colon cancer, how to identify risk factors, early signs and symptoms.

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Top 11 Ways on How to Home Treat a Bowel Obstruction

Bowel obstruction is a condition wherein your intestines may be blocked either completely or partially. This makes your bowel move in an abnormal manner, which makes it very difficult for those who have it. The patient may experience diarrhea (partial obstruction), constipation (complete obstruction), vomiting, bloating (gas accumulation), and abdominal cramping. This is a very inconvenient health problem to have that may be caused by cancer, severe constipation, (IBS) inflammatory bowel disease, intussusception, hernia, diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, surgical scars, and tumors. Continue reading