Category Archives: CPR

Steps in Performing the New CPR Technique

A stranger or a loved one suddenly collapses and is unconscious on the ground. What do you do? If you are caught by surprise, you could just call 911, just try to wake the person up, and do nothing aside from that. This would aggravate the situation because a person who loses consciousness should be checked for breathing and pulse. Breathing and circulation should be maintained until proper medical help arrives.

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4 Common Emergencies Discussed in 1st Aid Programs

Emergencies occur on a daily basis in different parts of the world. Although there are rescue experts who can help save the patients, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything for them during these emergencies. Remember that the victim’s condition during these accidents can change immediately and result to serious damages so it’s vital to control impending problems by doing 1st aid.

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Help Save People By Learning 1st Aid CPR Training Online

Emergencies occur on different locations and at unexpected time. This points out the importance of learning CPR procedures as well as first aid. However, not all individuals don’t find 1st aid CPR training online to be quite helpful for them as experts on emergencies are there to assist individuals during these incidents.

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5 Vital Tips in Applying American Red Cross CPR Steps

Performing proper CPR or cardio-pulmonary resuscitation during an emergency situation is very important for anybody to know because you’ll just never know when you just might need it. CPR is vital because its primary goal is to continue pumping oxygenated blood to every part of the patient’s body when the heart stops functioning. While you wait for the paramedics to arrive, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation should be performed. This assures the high chances of the patient to live especially after a cardiac arrest.

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