Category Archives: Bone Spurs

Easy Home Neck Pain Treatment Methods

When you get tired from doing all those research and encoding or carrying those heavy sacks of beans to the shed, the first thing you rub is your neck. The pain can be very unbearable and may radiate to your head, arms, hands, and back. Ultimately, you end up having neck pain with the perks of other discomforts like lower back pain and headaches.

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Complications of a Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Degenerative Joint Diseases

A degenerative joint disease is the degeneration due to the “wear and tear” of joint surface cartilage that is usually accompanied by an overgrowth of bone, narrowing of joint spaces, hardening of bone on joint surface, and bone deformation. Continue reading

Does Vitamin C Really Prevent Common Colds?

Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid generally works as an antioxidant. It is popularly known to boost up the immune system of the body for protection from several diseases and infections. As they say, “Prevention is better than cure.” Most households have vitamin C supplements and regularly intake ascorbic acid pills in addition to the vitamin C that they get from the food they eat. Continue reading