Category Archives: Burns

Capsaicin burn Part 3

Less-than-lethal force

Capsaicin is also the active ingredient in riot control and personal defense pepper spray chemical agents. When the spray comes in contact with skin, especially eyes or mucous membranes, it is very painful, and breathing small particles of it as it disperses can cause breathing difficulty, which serves to discourage assailants. Continue reading

Capsaicin burn Part 2


Capsaicin is currently used in topical ointments, as well as a high-dose dermal patch (trade name Qutenza), to relieve the pain of peripheral neuropathy such as post-herpetic neuralgia caused by shingles. It may be used in concentrations of between 0.025% and 0.075%. It may be used as a cream for the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with arthritis, simple backache, strains and sprains, often in compounds with other rubefacients. The treatment typically involves the application of a topical anesthetic until the area is numb. Then the capsaicin is applied by a therapist wearing rubber gloves and a face mask. The capsaicin remains on the skin until the patient starts to feel the “heat”, at which point it is promptly removed. Capsaicin is also available in large bandages that can be applied to the back. Continue reading

Capsaicin burn Part 1

Capsaicin (/kæpˈseɪ.ɨsɪn/; 8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide, (CH3)2CHCH=CH(CH2)4CONHCH2C6H3-4-(OH)-3-(OCH3) ) is the active component of chili peppers, which are plants belonging to the genus Capsicum. It is an irritant for mammals, including humans, and produces a sensation of burning in any tissue with which it comes into contact. Capsaicin and several related compounds are called capsaicinoids and are produced as a secondary metabolite by chili peppers, probably as deterrents against certain herbivores and fungi. Pure capsaicin is a hydrophobic, colorless, odorless, crystalline to waxy compound. Continue reading

Adhesive Bandages Causing Irritant or Allergic Contact Dermatitis

The use of medical adhesive supplies has been a big help in the care of patients. These are used in inpatient and outpatient medicine. During a hospitalization, adhesive tapes are commonly used to anchor and secure an intravenous line. It is also used to hold bandages and dressings in place. Continue reading

Facts About Neosporin Ointment

Neospirin ointment is also known as Polymxyin B sulfate, bacitracin, and neomycin sulfate. This contains a mixture of anti-infectives that are used for treating specific bacterial infections, particularly skin infections. Neospirin ointment can also prevent infections that you can acquire from wounds, minor cuts, and burns.

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2nd degree sunburn

First degree and second degree sunburns can occur when you are exposed to the sun’s UV rays. This usually happens if you don’t apply any sunscreen to your body or you might not have put enough on. It’s always a good idea to try and prevent sunburns before they even happen as that is the easiest way to keep your skin safe. Continue reading

10 of the Usual Ailments and Their Natural Healing Remedies That Involve Apple Cider Vinegar

A number of ailments could be relieved with just  common natural healing remedies that you could make yourself. Most of the natural healing remedies involve the use of apple cider vinegar. This is a very potent natural compound that nourishes your body and at the same time, cleanses it is of the pathogenic microrganisms that may be the real cause of your ailment.

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The 3 Layers of the Skin : Epidermis, Dermis and Subcutaneous Tissue

The skin is the outer covering of the human body. It is the largest organ system of the body. No matter how you think of it, the skin is very important. It covers and protects the insides of our body and has many other functions such as providing a anatomical barrier from pathogens and damage between internal organs. It also helps the body maintain a normal temperature. Its pigments protect us from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun. We also get the natural vitamin D from the sun through our skin. Continue reading

How does a Wound Heal?

What is a wound? A wound is type of injury to the skin in which the skin is cut open or had a blunt trauma wherein the wound is inside the skin. It can be an open or a closed wound. In the classification of an open wound, the skin may be abraded, torn, cut or punctured. In the case of a closed wound, wherein the skin is not open because it is caused of a blunt trauma, there could be a contusion or a hematoma or bruising. A hematoma is a sign that there is an internal bleeding which can be mild or hemorrhage. Continue reading

abdominal pain

What Causes A Bowel Obstruction


We love to eat. Who doesn’t? Every morsel of the food that we eat is being broken down into the tiniest molecule or atom to give us energy that we need all through out the day. People love to treat their taste buds with delicious food. Food is a part of our daily lives. After the food has been swallowed, it goes to the stomach wherein it is being digested and absorption of nutrients is made. After that, it needs to be emptied to the intestines for further digestion and further absorption for the other nutrients that is solely being absorbed in the small and large intestines. There we go hungry and crave for another food again. Continue reading