Category Archives: Bloating

Digestive problems Part 2

Lactose Intolerance

Between 30 million and 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant, meaning they lack an enzyme needed to digest the main sugar in milk, and African-Americans, Asians, and American Indians are most likely to have the condition. Ranging in severity from person to person, symptoms include cramping, bloating, gas, nausea, and diarrhea. These usually occur 30 minutes to two hours after one drinks or eats a dairy product. Continue reading

Abdominal bloating after eating

Each year in the United States, seventeen million people complain of frequent gas; while twenty-seven million people struggle with excessive bloating. Discomfort from bloating and gas can often be prevented or treated, and our goal is to educate you so you can help yourself. Continue reading

Getting Your Baby A Goodnight’s Sleep

Getting your baby to sleep could be quite a task. Especially nowadays wherein both mothers and fathers are wage earners, sometimes it can be difficult to get your baby a good night’s sleep without your own sleep getting disrupted. You want your baby to sleep well as a good foundation for his or her health. As a parent, you also want to have a good sleep in order to be strong enough to take good care of your baby during your waking hours. You don’t want to disrupt the sleep of other’s when the baby cries at night. You just want to bring the best out in him. Continue reading

Constipation Remedies During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman experiences several changes in her body. Along with the many changes happening in the woman’s body are some discomforts and special needs. Both the health of the mother and her child needs care and attention. A healthy pregnant woman should achieve homeostasis or balance as a non-pregnant woman should. Prevention of any disease is always better than cure.

One of the common problems encountered during pregnancy is the problem in elimination of bowels. It is a common problem but doesn’t mean that every pregnant woman should undergo this burden. Continue reading

What Natural Remedies For Constipation Could Do For You

Everybody experiences constipation. This is the condition wherein you cannot defecate regularly. When you are constipated, your waste is crammed into your large intestine and not eliminated in a day even several days at a time. Constipation results to a feeling of being bloated, gas accumulation, and stomach ache. It really makes you uncomfortable all day as you go about your regular activities, knowing that you are not yet rid of your solid wastes yet.

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7 Important Facts to Know About Natural Progesterone Therapy

Progesterone is a steroidal hormone that is present in embryogenesis, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle. It controls regulates estrogen. Since estrogen is responsible for the proliferation of cells and in the thickening of the lining of your uterus, progesterone sees to it that it doesn’t get to far. If you go not have enough progesterone in your body, then estrogen will increase in level. This results into hormonal imbalance.

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4 Gastrointestinal Problems Helped by a High Fibre Diet

How is fiber important? Fiber is essential in your diet because it helps you maintain the balance inside your body. Fiber sweeps away the excess fats and the harmful toxins that your body accumulates overtime. It helps you have regular elimination of wastes. This also provides nutrition for the good bacteria that helps your colon work efficiently. It is ideal to have 25 grams to 35 grams of fiber in your diet everyday.

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7 Known Dandelion Tea Benefits

As the standards of health rise, more and more people resort to alternative medicine for their organic ingredients. Scientific researchers continue to discover and develop many plants so that they may be able to harness their health benefits.

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4 Common Allergy Medication During Pregnancy

An allergy is a medical condition wherein allergens irritate your system resulting to a myriad of reactions that make your body crazy. It is when your immune system becomes hypersensitive. Common allergy signs and symptoms are nasal swelling, redness, sneezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing, itching, asthma, bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. A person is most likely to be subjected to an allergic reaction when the person is exposed to the allergens in the working and living environment.

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Top 10 Tips to Healthy Eating

Food is considered the best friend of most people. It is not judgemental, it is unconditional, it is unbiased, it has no favorites, and it is always there when you need it. With this, eating is considered as a very common past-time and refuge whatever lifestyle you have. Quick fixes and easy satisfaction is the trend these days because people don’t seem to have the time and effort to think of and decide on wise food options and ideal eating practices.


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