Tag Archives: pregnant

Determining ovulation Part 1

It can work out that you just get pregnant without any ovulation prediction methods, but in order to get pregnant faster most couples need to focus more and find out the very best times to have intercourse in order to speed up the process. Knowing your date of ovulation and getting pregnant more quickly go hand in hand. Ovulation test kits are very beneficial to determine when you’re ovulating. We’ll discuss these as well as other ovulation detector methods.

First, let’s discuss what ovulation is. Continue reading

37 Week Fetus and Pregnancy

Congratulations! Oh mother, your baby is now considered a full term baby, even though your due date is three weeks away.  Only five percent of babies are born on their due date. Most babies won’t be coming for three to five more weeks for first time mothers but if your baby decides to come out now, his lungs will most likely be ready to breathe on his own outside the womb. The baby has already passed the 6th month of gestation wherein the lungs become mature enough to produce surfactant—the fluid that prevents tension in the lungs. The baby is now very much welcome to the world. Hush, because the baby may be ready to come out anytime soon. A little patience will do the trick. Continue reading

Abortion alternatives Part 2

Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, couples often have two immediate choices. They can choose to continue the pregnancy, or not. Not all women have this option for several reasons. For some, abortion isn’t an alternative they are willing to consider for various reasons, including religion, medical, ethical and person beliefs. For others, making the choice to have an abortion isn’t an option because they are unable or unwilling to recognize that they are pregnant. Continue reading

Abortion alternatives Part 1

If you have just discovered you are pregnant or you think you may be pregnant, then you are probably thinking about your options. You may be wondering how you will cope with pregnancy or how you will afford to support yourself and your unborn child. You may be encouraged to make a quick and uninformed decision on what choice you will make next. Continue reading

2nd trimester abortion

No woman expects to have an abortion, but one of every three women in the US will have an abortion by the time she is 45 years old.  Abortion care is disproportionately sought by women facing difficult financial circumstances and women of color in the US. Second-trimester abortions are no different in that respect. Abortion in the second trimester – from 13 to 24 weeks – is generally performed using a procedure called Dilation & Evacuation (D&E). The D&E procedure is different from a 1st trimester abortion in a number of ways. What is different is that a woman seeking a second-trimester abortion faces greater challenges than one obtaining a first-trimester abortion, as fewer doctors offer the service, they are substantially more expensive than first-trimester abortions, and they are often two day procedures. Continue reading

Constipation Remedies During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman experiences several changes in her body. Along with the many changes happening in the woman’s body are some discomforts and special needs. Both the health of the mother and her child needs care and attention. A healthy pregnant woman should achieve homeostasis or balance as a non-pregnant woman should. Prevention of any disease is always better than cure.

One of the common problems encountered during pregnancy is the problem in elimination of bowels. It is a common problem but doesn’t mean that every pregnant woman should undergo this burden. Continue reading

Hysterectomy Procedure Types and Indications

The surgical removal of the womb or the uterus is called Hysterectomy. Adjacent parts of the female reproductive system such as the fallopian tubes and ovaries may be also included in some other types of hysterectomy.

Like in most mammals, the uterus is the house that nurtures the unborn baby until it reaches the proper time to be delivered into the world. It is a pear-shaped organ and is a major hormone responsive reproductive sex organ of females. The uterus functions to accept the fertilized ovum of which passes through fallopian tube from the ovaries. It is where the fertilized ovum is implanted on the thick musculature of the endometrium to be nourished and wait its time to complete gestation.  Continue reading