Category Archives: Diet

Digestive aids

Tip #1: Cover the Basics

Basic 1: Chew, Chew, Chew

  • Take smaller bites.
  • Put your fork down in between bites.
  • Try using chopsticks – it forces you to slow down.
  • Thoroughly chew each bite of food.
  • Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth – chewing grains thoroughly allows amylase, the digestive enzyme present in saliva, to digest the grains. Continue reading

Dialysis diet

The kidney works to maintain fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance by eliminating nitrogenous and other metabolic waste products from the body through the urinary system. Another key function of the kidney is to help maintain blood pressure, produce erythropoietin and activate vitamin D. The proper functioning of the kidney is impaired when there is loss of nephrons. The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. When normal kidney function is greatly impaired, then dialysis becomes necessary. Continue reading

Diet menus for menopause Part 2

Just only recently have we seen some really good research showing the association between certain foods and nutrients and brainpower. Most of us know that after 40 we’re sort of in a decline. Our eyes are getting worse; we get injured more easily exercising; and our brain isn’t quite as sharp as we remember it being in our earlier years. Continue reading

Diet menus for menopause Part 1

Are there certain kinds of food that can cut down the hot flashes?

With diet and hot flashes it’s a bit of trial and error. Something may work for some women, so either you have to throw them all up in the air and see what helps you. Continue reading

Calcium citrate powder

Calcium supplements exist in different compounds — calcium citrate, calcium carbonate, calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, calcium lactate gluconate and calcium pyruvate. Continue reading

Neuromins: A Clear Focus

Neuromins is a brand of supplement that is derived from a vegetable source that is rich in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is one of the omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for your health. The common source of DHA is fish oil. This makes Neuromins very unique because this DHA comes from microalgae extracts. The microalgae if what the fishes actually eat so taking Neuromins is like going straight to the source of the known source.

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Concepts to Remember About Neocate Infant Formula

When you have a baby, it is always a big responsibility to make sure that the best possible nutrition will be provided at all times. As you know, good nutrition is needed to sustain proper growth and development. For infants, it is vital to start the supply of complete nutrients from day one. One of the best ways to do this is to give Neocate.

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Legume Allergy. Are you Nuts?

A thick and rich peanut butter please! Double Dutch flavored ice cream! More Ferrero please! We just love to eat but what about health and safety? A person who has legume or peanut allergy has to be cautious about what he eats in order to avoid food allergic reactions. Continue reading

I Missed My Period – Do Not be Alarmed!

“Am I pregnant?” That is the first question that pops up when you miss your menstruation, especially when you have a regular cycle. Due to this, many pregnancy testing kits have been available in every drugstore with a wide range of brands and cheaper prices to choose from. Many times, we have a negative pregnancy test result but still, we do not menstruate. This becomes an automatic question when a person is expecting to be pregnant but what are the other reasons why a woman may have a missed period or a delayed menstruation? Don’t be too much alarmed. Although pregnancy is the most common cause for a missed period, pregnancy cannot be automatically confirmed overnight. You also need a couple of things like blood test, a pregnancy test, or an ultrasound to have it confirmed. The age of information technology made us all want to have instant answers and instant everything’s but it always pays to be patient and knowledge is the key.  Here are some of the causes why you miss having a period. Continue reading

7 Known Negative Side Effects of High Protein Diet

In weight loss and fitness, they say that a high protein diet is the key. Protein help you feel fuller longer and help in the efficient cell repair and growth. It is common for body builders to increase the amount of protein in their diet. Because of the said benefits of proteins, there are people who establish a sole protein diet, even replacing carbohydrates with protein sources.

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