Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

Most common bipolar disease symptoms

Bipolar Disease symptoms include feeling overly ecstatic to feeling tremendously poignant. This high and low process in one’s mood consists the exasperating Bipolar Disease symptoms.

The bipolar disease symptoms include numerous contrary feelings of ups and downs. A bipolar disease patient experiences a manic episode when most of the day, more than 3 other bipolar disease symptoms. Also, it happens almost every single day for more than a week or even in a couple of months. Extreme changes in energy, activity, sleep, and behavior go along with these changes in mood. It is possible for someone with bipolar disorder to experience a long-lasting period of unstable moods rather than discrete episodes of depression or mania. Continue reading

Morbid Obesity Health Problems

People nowadays want to look slimmer. Everybody wants to have an ideal body weight. To many people, fashion dictates what weight they should be in. Slimmer people are thought to be sexier, have more choices on what to wear, have better self-esteem, and most importantly, more attractive and happy in their lives. The definition of being sexy differs from one race and culture to another. People have different perspectives about how they look and feel. Continue reading

6 Most Effective Natural Remedies for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder or also known as manic-depressive disorder is a mental disorder that affects the feelings, thoughts, perceptions and behavior.  It is considered a lifelong disorder which causes mood to shifts from the lows of depression to the highs of mania. Continue reading

What If You Stop Smoking Now?

What if you stop smoking at this very moment? Have you ever thought about the benefits it could cause to your body, to society, and to the environment? Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is a cool thing. Gone were the days when cigarette smoking is legal indoors. Continue reading

Symptoms of Pain Medication Abuse

The assessment and management of pain can be very complex that the whole process of managing and living with the pain could be very difficult to some people and health care professionals. The goal of administering pain medications is to alleviate pain and suffering, enhance movement, and to enable a person to do his activities of daily living. Continue reading

Top 7 Benefits of Liquid Fish Oil

Health supplements are getting a lot of attention these days basically because of the increasing awareness to good health and longevity. Many people resort to natural sources of vitamins, minerals and even fatty acids. Liquid fish oil is one of the most sought after natural sources of Omega 3 fatty acids [(EPA) eicosapentaenoic acid & (DHA) decosahexaenoic acid]. It is usually in liquid form, which makes it a lot easier and faster to absorb. It also contains a much higher amount of Omega 3 fatty acids as compared with gel or tablet forms of the supplement.

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