Category Archives: Vaccine

2010 nasal spray flu vaccine side effects

How effective is the nasal-spray seasonal flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®)?

In one large study among children aged 15-85 months, the seasonal nasal-spray flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®) reduced the chance of influenza illness by 92% compared with placebo. In a study among adults, the participants were not specifically tested for influenza. However, the study found 19% fewer severe febrile respiratory tract illnesses, 24% fewer respiratory tract illnesses with fever, 23-27% fewer days of illness, 13-28% fewer lost work days, 15-41% fewer health care provider visits, and 43-47% less use of antibiotics compared with placebo. Continue reading

2010 flu vaccine ingredients list

The seasonal flu shot is a “trivalent” vaccine, which means it contains three influenza viruses. Although the individual strains vary each year, the types of strains selected for the vaccine usually consist of an influenza A strain, an H1N1 strain (not the pandemic 2009 strain) and an influenza B strain. In 2009, the Food and Drug Administration also approved a “monovalent,” or single strain, vaccine designed exclusively to combat the pandemic H1N1 strain. Continue reading

2 month vaccinations for Infant Protection

Immunizations are vital for infants. At this point, their bodies can’t survive different conditions compared to adults so these vaccinations are vital for their health needs. Infants need to receive numerous vaccinations depending on their age like 2 month vaccinations. The following are some of the 2 month vaccinations an infant must receive at this age as well as the medical problems that they prevent. Continue reading