Tag Archives: asthma

Are caffeine pills safe

Caffeine pills (usually found as caffeine citrate) are over-the-counter or prescription drugs classified as central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. The pharmaceutical information website Rxlist.com states that caffeine is “an odorless white crystalline powder or granule, with a bitter taste.” Caffeine occurs naturally and is found in common products like coffee, tea, soda, kola nuts and guarana berries. Continue reading

Advair Diskus – Information About This Asthma And COPD Medication

Breathing problems like asthma has various medications to help control the condition. However, this condition may worsen after some time so physicians may prescribe other treatment options. Advair Diskus is one of the inhaled for everyone to know about this medication and how it will work among individuals.

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Morbid Obesity Health Problems

People nowadays want to look slimmer. Everybody wants to have an ideal body weight. To many people, fashion dictates what weight they should be in. Slimmer people are thought to be sexier, have more choices on what to wear, have better self-esteem, and most importantly, more attractive and happy in their lives. The definition of being sexy differs from one race and culture to another. People have different perspectives about how they look and feel. Continue reading

2010 nasal spray flu vaccine side effects

How effective is the nasal-spray seasonal flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®)?

In one large study among children aged 15-85 months, the seasonal nasal-spray flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®) reduced the chance of influenza illness by 92% compared with placebo. In a study among adults, the participants were not specifically tested for influenza. However, the study found 19% fewer severe febrile respiratory tract illnesses, 24% fewer respiratory tract illnesses with fever, 23-27% fewer days of illness, 13-28% fewer lost work days, 15-41% fewer health care provider visits, and 43-47% less use of antibiotics compared with placebo. Continue reading

Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

Asthma Attacks, Yet Again.

Asthma is one of those common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that causes airway hyperresponsiveness, mucosal edema, and mucus production. This hyperresponsiveness and inflammation ultimately leads to recurrent episodes of asthma symptoms which are cough, chest tightness, wheezing, and difficulty of breathing (dyspnea). Asthma is different from other obstructive pulmonary diseases in that it is largely reversible. This can be reversible either spontaneously or with treatment. People suffering from asthma may have asthma symptom-free episodes alternating with acute exacerbations, which can be very dangerous too. Acute exacerbations can last from minutes to days. Continue reading

6 Best Asthma Attack Home Remedies

Asthma is a form of COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It is a respiratory condition that involves the inflammation of the air passages. The muscles that surround these air passages then become very tight, so the lining swells. This inflammation, swelling, and tightness cause less air to enter the lungs. Asthma is commonly triggered by irritants in the environment. Some irritants are dust, climate change, animal hair, fur, or dander, pollen, mold, chemicals, tobacco smoke, exercise, infections of the respiratory tract, and stress. Certain medications like NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). A family history of allergies may also be one of the causes of asthma.

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