Warts are a condition that develops from the HPV or Human Papilloma Virus as it is technically called. While most warts are not considered dangerous and are benign, it is still a virus and needs to be treated as such. Any type of wart can affect someone’s social life and even lead to self-esteem and confidence issues down the road. There are many different forms of warts, over 100 HPV viruses have been found at this point, and there will probably be more to come. Every wart that results from an HPV virus is different and needs to be treated in its own way. Filiform warts are a form of the HPV virus but unlike many other warts, they should be easy to treat. Continue reading
Tag Archives: skin
Capsaicin burn Part 3
Less-than-lethal force
Capsaicin is also the active ingredient in riot control and personal defense pepper spray chemical agents. When the spray comes in contact with skin, especially eyes or mucous membranes, it is very painful, and breathing small particles of it as it disperses can cause breathing difficulty, which serves to discourage assailants. Continue reading
Skin abscess or boil Part 1
A skin abscess is a localized collection of pus that generally develops in response to infection or to the presence of other foreign materials under the skin. An abscess is typically painful, and it appears as a swollen area that is warm to the touch. The skin surrounding an abscess typically appears pink or red. Continue reading
2nd degree sunburn
First degree and second degree sunburns can occur when you are exposed to the sun’s UV rays. This usually happens if you don’t apply any sunscreen to your body or you might not have put enough on. It’s always a good idea to try and prevent sunburns before they even happen as that is the easiest way to keep your skin safe. Continue reading
What Causes Skin Dryness?
Skin dryness is extremely common and a lot of factors cause this. Dry skin can be caused by genetics, diseases, dry air, long exposure to water, skin care products, tight clothing, hot showers,  and medications. A dry skin can be uncomfortable and unpleasant to the eyes. To make matters most, it can be really itching and disturbing. Having dry skin has a lot to tell about your nutritional status, body stress, fluid balance and lifestyle. Our skin is soft and supple because of tiny structures such as glands that lubricate and protect our skin. These protect our skin from dryness and cracking and also has a bactericidal effect that is why sweating is a also a protective mechanism of our body to maintain hydration of the body and skin. Proper hydration also is imperative to make our skin look and feel supple and smooth. Continue reading
The 3 Layers of the Skin : Epidermis, Dermis and Subcutaneous Tissue
The skin is the outer covering of the human body. It is the largest organ system of the body. No matter how you think of it, the skin is very important. It covers and protects the insides of our body and has many other functions such as providing a anatomical barrier from pathogens and damage between internal organs. It also helps the body maintain a normal temperature. Its pigments protect us from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun. We also get the natural vitamin D from the sun through our skin. Continue reading
How does a Wound Heal?
What is a wound? A wound is type of injury to the skin in which the skin is cut open or had a blunt trauma wherein the wound is inside the skin. It can be an open or a closed wound. In the classification of an open wound, the skin may be abraded, torn, cut or punctured. In the case of a closed wound, wherein the skin is not open because it is caused of a blunt trauma, there could be a contusion or a hematoma or bruising. A hematoma is a sign that there is an internal bleeding which can be mild or hemorrhage. Continue reading