Category Archives: Migraines

MSG Symptom Complex: Not an allergy!

Food additives make food experience a lot tastier, more aromatic, more colorful or more nutritious. A well known food flavor enhancer is the monosodium glutamate or MSG. It is a food additive that is widely used in the whole world. Continue reading


Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic Approaches in Pain Management

What Is Pain?

Everyone had experienced pain in their life. Pain comes in many different forms. The perception and tolerance of pain vary widely from individuals and to cultures. Some people may have higher pain tolerance than others. Pain can be synonymous to suffering for many people. Pain is a sensation that hurts. It can be really hard to describe pain as it varies from individuals. A pain can be stabbing, sudden, intermittent, throbbing, pinching, or aching. Pain can be acute or chronic. Pain can be mild, moderate or severe. Assessment of pain is vital to treatment and management.

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