Perimenopause or also known as menopausal transition, is the period wherein a woman’s body make a normal change from just about the regular cycle of ovulation and menstruation on the way to permanent infertility or menopause. Perimenopause occur at different ages in women. Signs may appear at the age 40s or as early as 30s. The menstrual cycle may turn out to be irregular like, shorter, longer, lighter or heavier, at times less and at times more than 28 days apart. Women in a stage of perimenopause may encounter the menopause-like symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness and having sleeping disorder. There are treatments that may help to relieve such symptoms.
Perimenopause stage can be considered had ended if a woman gone all the way through 12 consecutive months with no menstrual period.
What are the symptoms of perimenopause?
In the period of perimenopause, there may be some changes in the body of a woman that may take place. Some of these are the following.
- There is an irregularity in menstrual cycle. The ovulation becomes more unpredictable. There may have missed periods, the interval between the periods may become shorter or longer and the flow may be very little to profuse. Early perimenopause is the change in the length of menstrual period for more than seven days. Late perimenopause can be described with an interval of 60 days or more between the cycle and two or more missed periods.
- During the stage of late perimenopause, about 65 to 75 percent of women may have experience hot flashes. The length, intensity and the rate of recurrence may differ on the person. Having difficult to sleep are frequently because of night seats and hot flashes that are being experience. However, sleep sometimes may be still inconsistent even without them.
- Some of the women during perimenopause may experience irritability, mood swings or may have increased possibility of developing depression.
- During perimenopause the estrogen level is reduced that will make women more susceptible to vaginal and urinary infections. Reduced estrogen level can also make the vaginal tissues lose its lubrication and elasticity causing a painful intercourse and may also lead to urinary incontinence.
- Irregular ovulation decreases fertility or the capability to conceive. But pregnancy may still be possible as long as a woman is having periods. If in case you do not want to get pregnant, make use of birth control until your menstrual cycle has stop for 12 months consecutively.
- Women who are experiencing perimenopause may have changes in sexual desire. However, for women who had a satisfactory sexual intimacy before the symptoms of perimenopause occur, the sexual desire may continue through perimenopause and beyond.
- Women during perimenopause may have greater risk of developing osteoporosis due to declining level of estrogen hormone.
- Diminishing of estrogen level may contribute to high level of blood cholesterol specifically the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol which considered as the bad cholesterol and decrease of high-density lipoprotein, the good cholesterol which lead in increased possibility of developing heart disease.
What is the risk factors affecting perimenopause?
Menopause is the normal stage in a life of a woman. However, it may occur in some women earlier than in others. There are researched studies revealed that some certain factors may influence the occurrence of perimenopause at an earlier age and they are the following.
- Women who do smoking may have an early onset of menopause one to two years earlier compared with those women who are not smoking.
- Women have a tendency to experience menopause just about the same age as their mothers and sisters, even though the connection between the family history and age at menopause is still questionable.
- Some of the medical studies reeled that women who never give birth may experience an early menopause.
- Chemotherapy or pelvic radiation therapy as cancer treatment during childhood may also lead to early menopause.
- Hysterectomy, a procedure that involves the removal of uterus but not the ovaries, normally does    not cause menopause. However this procedure may lead to early menopause.
What are the home remedies of perimenopause?
There are certain ways that can help to relieve the symptoms of perimenopause and these are the following.
1.    Healthy diet.
Healthy diet is the most important especially during the stage of perimenopause      since the possibility of having osteoporosis and heart disease is greater. A low-fat, high-fiber diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains is the most ideal diet. Include in your diet the foods rich in calcium or take a calcium supplement with vitamin D to protect your bone. Stay away from taking caffeine and alcohol that can trigger hot flashes.
2.    Regular physical activity.
Doing regular exercise or any physical activity helps to improve your sleep, prevents from gaining weight, makes your bones stronger and elevates your mood. Thirty minutes or more of exercise on most days of the week may bring great help to ease the symptoms of perimenopause.
3.    Practice meditation or yoga.
Regularly practice of stress-reduction techniques like meditation or yoga can greatly help to have good health and relaxation not only all through your life but most importantly during your perimenopause.
4.    Black cohosh.
Black cohosh is herb extract that used to treat hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. Although there are studies revealed that it really helps to lessen the menopause-related symptoms, researchers still find difficult to come out with an explicit conclusion. But generally, black cohosh appears comparatively safe but do not take it if you have a liver disorder. Consult first your doctor if you want to try it.
If symptoms of perimenopause hinder your day to day activities do not hesitate to consult your doctor to seek for medical attention.