Conditions Resulting to Neck Pain And Dizziness

When you complain of neck pain and dizziness, this is usually the result of several conditions. This is when your dizziness is brought about by the pain or any problem that you are having with your neck or cervical vertebrae. The dizziness is usually described as clumsiness, off-balanced, unsteady or lightheaded. The patients who have experienced long-term dizziness have already established that what they are having is related to their neck injury or neck pain.

Here are some of the main conditions that bring about  neck pain and dizziness. You could discuss them with your doctor to help find the real cause of your condition:

1. Cervical vertigo

It is common for those who have suffered from neck injuries such as whiplash to suffer from  neck pain and dizziness. Pain usually occurs first then the vertigo or dizziness follows. When the patient suddenly moves or extends and rotates the neck, dizziness would set in for a few seconds to a couple of minutes. Women are more likely to have dizziness after suffering from trauma to the cervical vertebrae. The occurrence of neck pain and dizziness is a common implication that the recovery from the injury is going to be a long, slow struggle. Once you are diagnosed with cervical vertigo, the dizziness is always related to the movements of the neck. This is also accompanied by ringing in the ears or tinnitus and  pain in the ears or otalgia. Because of the injury acquired, the sensations transmitted from the neck may be absent or unreliable. This condition may also be experienced in cervical cord compression from the injury. Here, the tracts of the spinal cord that connect with the vestibular nucleus, vestibulospinal projections, and cerebellum are seen as the problem. The injury may also result to a leak in CSF (cerebrospinal fluid). The CSF leak is caused by a significant tear in the cervical root and is accompanied by sensorineural hearing loss.



2. Cervical spondylosis

This condition is also known as cervical osteoarthritis that is seen in the slow and continuous neck bone and vertebral disc degeneration. The neck pain and dizziness in this condition is common among the elderly and is usually experienced right after the head is titled or turned. These movements cause the blood vessels to compress, causing the oxygen supply to the brain to be impeded. This results to imbalance or vertigo. Some symptoms of cervical spondylosis are numbness of the fingers, arms, and shoulders; neck pain radiating to the arms and shoulders; severe neck pain; and of course, neck pain and dizziness. You should undergo MRI, CT Scan. Lateral neck X-ray, and myelogram to be diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. If you suffer from a mild case, you can be prescribed with NSAIDs and perform exercises that will stretch the shoulders and the neck. For severe cases, you have to wear neck traction devices, be in complete bed rest in a hospital, and be injected with muscle relaxants.



3. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

This is a condition that has neck pain and dizziness as well. Small crystals float in the inner ear fluid that falls into the components related to balance. Mild neck pain and dizziness is felt by the patient, usually from just lying in bed or looking upwards. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo may be a result of a condition brought about by old age or sudden traumatic blow. This is considered to be a harmless condition and may be corrected in just a few weeks.




4. Headaches

People who have headaches also suffer from neck pain and dizziness. This is why they usually keep still when their heads hurt. But doing so only makes their necks hurt more and this radiates to the head. This brings about dizziness.





5. Stress

When you perform tasks that bring stress to your shoulders like lifting very heavy loads or sitting in front of a desk for long hours, neck pain and dizziness is sure to come about.






These conditions are just a few of what may actually cause neck pain and dizziness. Treatment for them usually involves medications, therapy, and even surgery. For the most ideal treatment plan for your neck pain and dizziness, better seek professional guidance and care from your doctor. Coordinate regularly to evaluate your progress and health status. Experiencing neck pain and dizziness can really be a debilitating condition. You should not take this lightly at its onset because your lifestyle is directly affected. Establish good posture and stress relief habits to prevent mild neck pain and dizziness.

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