Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment: Things You Should Know

Statistics say that there are more than twenty million people who suffer from peripheral neuropathy. Most doctors claim that this condition doesn’t have any cure so they just prescribe pain medications and anti-depressants to relieve the symptoms.

Although there are no founded cures yet, symptom reversal has been achieved by taking some natural medications that are alternatives for the usual medications. If this condition is to be corrected, the peripheral neuropathy treatment should be done depending on the cause. The following are some of the important information that you should take note of about peripheral neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy treatment:

1. Alternatives

Here are the following alternative peripheral neuropathy treatment options available in the market today:

  • Benfotiamine (B1 vitamin)

Benfotiamine is 360 percent more bioavailable than thiamine. The chemical structure of this vitamin permits benfotiamine to go through cell membranes. It is more absorbable and therefore, more usable.

  • Methylcoblamine (B12 vitamin)

This vitamin is more absorbable than ordinary cyanocobalamine. High dosages of methylcoblamine increases the synthesis of protein to bring about regeneration of nerves.

  • R-Alpha Lipoic acid

R-ALA is a known antioxidant that is water soluble and fat soluble at the same time. With this, the transporter cells distribute the glucose more efficiently.



2. Symptoms to treat

Some of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are burning pain, weakness, numbness, tingling, and some unusual feeling or sensations.






3. Causes of peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is usually caused by folate and B12 deficiency, herpetic neuralgia from shingles, DM (diabetes mellitus), alcoholism, AIDS, kidney failure, syphilis, lupus erythematosus, Guillauin-Barre syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (amyloid polyneuropathy), toxin exposure, chemotherapy drugs, and diabetes.




4. Medical treatment

Peripheral neuropathy treatment depends on the primary cause. If your condition is caused by a vitamin deficiency, just correct it by taking in more of the vitamins that you lack. In cases of diabetes, proper control of sugar levels and lifestyle change would help prevent peripheral neuropathy. Autoimmune diseases should be treated first to prevent peripheral neuropathy. If you have nerve entrapment, undergo surgery, injections, and physical therapy. Sympathetic injections could be performed on shingles patients to prevent post herpetic neuralgia. Pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen can also be taken. Other medications that are used  in peripheral neuropathy treatment  are analgesics, Duloxetine hydrochloride (side effects: hot flashes, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, dry mouth, and dizziness), gabapentin, topiramate, antidepressants, anticonvulsants (side effects: nausea, low blood cell count, dizziness, vomiting), local anasthetics (drowsiness, double vision, nervousness, and lightheadedness), and pregabalin (side effects: drowsiness, swelling, weight gain, nausea, and dizziness). Injection therapy could also be used as peripheral neuropathy treatment. This uses a medication to block nerves like lidocaine into a part of your body that is affected. This prevents reduces the established symptoms by stopping the nerves from delivering the impulses to the brain. Injection therapy could also be used with other medications or physical therapy.  The peripheral neuropathy that diabetics have can be initially treated by maintaining your sugar levels with your oral blood sugar regulators and insulin injections. You should also change your daily diet and lifestyle. Coordinate and communicate with your doctor regularly. Foot care is also important if you have peripheral neuropathy because of diabetes. Peripheral neuropathy treatment for diabetics could also have TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), wherein brief electronic pulses are applied on the nerve endings.


5. Glimpse at autonomic neuropathy

If there is peripheral neuropathy, there’s also autonomic neuropathy. This targets the nerves that affect involuntary activities of your body such as sexual functions, urination, digestion, sweating, and blood pressure. Its symptoms are excessive sweating, constipation, gastroparesis, diarrhea, unawareness of hypoglycemia, unstable blood pressure, and sexually related problems.




6. Other treatments

In your peripheral neuropathy treatment, you could use other means like trying to remove the amount of toxins and medications in your system by stopping any medications that you are taking. You could then start taking metafolin and vitamins like thiamine to help you treat your condition.  Acupuncture and physical therapy may also be used in peripheral neuropathy treatment. These require skilled and knowledgeable professionals to administer the techniques properly. In acupuncture, you could opt for a combination of the therapeutic needles and electronic stimuli as well. In physical therapy, stretching and ROM (range of motion) exercises could help you.


Communication and coordination with your doctor is important for your peripheral neuropathy treatment. Doing so will make sure that your progress is well-monitored and evaluated. Peripheral neuropathy treatment can be designed for your special needs because every medical case is individualized. Talk to your medical professional so that your will have a treatment plan that is perfect for you.

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