Tag Archives: mammogram

Are breast fibroids painful

Breast fibroids are also known as mammary dysplasia, fibroid breasts or fibrocystic breast disease. The fibroids are non-cancerous rubbery nodules that cause occasional pain and swelling near the surface of the breasts. They are usually caused due to the changes in the hormones during the menstruation cycles. Accumulation of fluid in the cells also causes this condition. Though not a very dangerous situation, in some women breast fibroids can develop into breast cancer. So they have to be evaluated frequently by using mammograms. Continue reading

Abnormal mammogram

One of the scariest things a woman can hear is that her mammogram shows a suspicious mass in her breast. That news can shake a woman’s sense of well-being even after further testing fails to find breast cancer.

It’s important to remember that a mammogram is a screening test. A screening test is done to look for disease in someone who doesn’t have any symptoms.

At their best, screening mammograms can find breast cancer early. But an abnormal result by itself does not mean cancer. It just means that follow-up testing is needed. In many cases, the abnormal mammogram turns out to be a false alarm. Continue reading