Category Archives: Heart Disease

Tetralogy of Fallot

Tetralogy of Fallot is a type of congenital heart defect. Congenital means that it is present at birth.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Tetralogy of Fallot causes low oxygen levels in the blood. This leads to cyanosis (a bluish-purple color to the skin).

The classic form includes four defects of the heart and its major blood vessels: Continue reading

What To Expect After A Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy comes from the word “hystera” which means “uterus”—the body part that symbolizes womanhood. We often see the word, hystera combined with other suffixes indicating to words related to the uterus. The main function of the uterus is to accept the fertilized ovum to be implanted on its walls to be nurtured. The uterus becomes the home of the fetus, nourishing and protecting the baby all throughout pregnancy. This function makes the uterus a very important body part to women. We all know that men are women are alike except on the physical attributes. Only women have uterus and only women can bear a child. Continue reading

The Benefits of Vitamin B6 50mg tablets

Read your labels. Have you ever fathomed the marvel of the supplements that you take each morning? Many of us are regular patronisers of food supplements because of the very reason that we want to keep an optimum health status for a longer life.  The B vitamins are famous and can always be seen in the information of multivamins bottles and because of the growing and available knowledge about nutrition at hand, we always want to track of what foods and supplements to take to keep a healthy body. Continue reading

Abnormal heart rate

Palpitations are heartbeat sensations that feel like your heart is pounding or racing. You may simply have an unpleasant awareness of your own heartbeat, or may feel skipped or stopped beats. The heart’s rhythm may be normal or abnormal. Palpitations can be felt in your chest, throat, or neck. Continue reading

Abnormal enlargement of the heart Part 2

What are the symptoms of cardiac enlargement?

Some people can have varying degrees of cardiac enlargement and have no symptoms. Once dilation or hypertrophy begins to place undue demands on heart function, however, symptoms do result. These can include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pressure or pain
  • Palpitations (a sense that the heart is beating rapidly or forcefully or “skipping beats”)
  • Swelling of the feet, ankles, or legs
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Loss of consciousness Continue reading

8 Fool Proof Methods of Natural Treatment For High Blood Pressure


It is already a known fact that more and more people develop elevated blood pressure or hypertension at any given age already. This is a saddening condition that is faced by so many individuals, families, and institutions every single day.

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Abnormal enlargement of the heart Part 1

Cardiac enlargemrs to an increase in the size of the heart. There are two types of cardiac enlargement: hypertrophy and dilation. (Though usually occurring separately, they may occur at the same time.) Hypertrophy involves an increase in the thickness of the heart muscle. Dilation involves an increase in the size of the inside cavity of a chamber of the heart. Hypertrophy usually occurs in only one chamber while dilation may occur in one, two, three, or all of the chambers, based on its cause. In most cases, cardiac enlargement is abnormal and accompanied by additional cardiovascular problems. The one exception is regular aerobic exercise, which produces a beneficial enlargement involving both hypertrophy and dilation of the heart. Continue reading

Nicotine Patches to Quit Smoking

Cigarette smoking can be really addictive and can become habit forming. Bad habits don’t change overnight. Quitting is a difficult task. The cold-turkey stage can be a tremendous nightmare. Many substance abusers often go back to zero. We all know that cigarette smoking is one of the many causes of death due to cardiac diseases, pulmonary diseases and several cancers. Cigarette smoking predisposes a person to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Hypertension, heart attacks and strokes are results of unhealthy lifestyles. Cessation of tobacco smoking results in a lower rate of cardiac events. A positive attitude is most likely needed in order to achieve good outcomes in quitting. Participating in an educational class, support group, or behavioral program can gradually change your habits and outlooks in life and health. Continue reading

Referred Pain: Left Arm Pain During A Heart Attack

A heart attack, along with the many cardiovascular diseases, is one of the leading causes of death. The chest pain associated with a heart attack is due to myocardial ischemia, also known as the interrupted blood supply to the part of the heart. This interruption of blood supply causes the tissues of the heart to die, thus an injury. This takes place more commonly on the coronary arteries that supplies the heart with oxygenated blood. Without oxygen supply to the heart, an attack occurs.  Continue reading

Symptoms of Angina

The symptoms of angina or chest pain can be very alarming to alarming and may cause people to panic. Rather than just plain panicking, a little bit of knowledge and careful assessment is needed to be able to receive appropriate treatment. Any chest pain should be addressed and should not be neglected. Continue reading