6 Ways to Cope with Asperger’s Disorder

Asperger’s disorder is also known as Asperger’s or Asperger syndrome. This is often characterized as part of autism spectrum disorders. The severity of the disorder often varies from one patient to another. The treatment for Asperger’s disorder is composed of behavioral, educational, language and social skills training. With medication and proper training, a person with Asperger can still excel later on in life.

What is Asperger’s Disorder?

Asperger’s disorder is developmental disorder often related to autistic spectrum disorder. Generally, it is regarded as milder form of autism. It is considered as the highest functioning syndrome among the broad spectrum of autism.

However, there is clinical debate about Asperger syndrome. Some medical practitioners regard Asperger as another disorder not related to autism because people with Asperger often posses above average intelligence and may do extremely well in their field of interest. But it is noted that though they show intelligence they also exhibit uncommon social awkwardness and often times pervasive as they are only inclined to absorb one or two topics of their choice.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, Asperger can be hard for a person as they are often misjudged and ridiculed. But studies show that people with Asperger can still live a normal life and even excel, as they possess positive characteristics. Some of positive traits of people with Asperger are:

  • Great ability to focus up to smallest detail
  • Intense perseverance in chosen field
  • Have the capability to work independently
  • Recognize patterns that others may have overlooked
  • Original way of viewing and solving problems

What are Asperger’s Disorder Causes?

Asperger’s disorder causes are not really clearly defined. However, some studies show that genetic factor plays a major role in developing this syndrome. Other factors like prenatal infection may also have an effect to Asperger.

Some blame measles vaccination as the culprit but recent studies show that vaccines do not cause any Asperger symptoms.

What are Asperger’s Disorder Signs and Symptoms?

Asperger’s disorder may start at toddlers but often overlook by parents. They are only identified when the child started attending school. Some of Asperger’s disorder signs and symptoms include:

  • Motor mannerisms like continuous finger flapping or hand twisting
  • May display unusual nonverbal actions like inability to have an eye contact
  • Lack of ability to develop social skills and may not notice that the other person had stop talking or advertently changing the subject matter.
  • Develop obsession in specific narrow subjects and may repetitively discuss it the whole time
  • Speak in monotonous tone and may not show any emotions as they speak
  • Do not understand humor especially if the humor is about them
  • Manifest poor writing  and slow motor development
  • Empathetic and insensitive to other people
  • Develop unusual hyperactivity

What are Asperger’s Disorder Treatments?

Asperger’s disorder cannot really be cured but there are treatment options that may include therapies and medicines that will allow a person with Asperger to live a normal life. The presence of the family particularly the parents also play an important role in coping with Asperger.

Some of Asperger treatments may include:

            1. Medication

Medications do not treat Asperger. However, medications that treat depression can improve anxiety attacks and hyperactivity of the person with Asperger. Oftentimes,  doctors prescribed medications when the person is highly agitated, manifest hyperactivity or when uncontrollable repetitive movements are present.




            2. Communication therapy

The common problem with Asperger is the inability of a person to communicate. With communication therapy, verbal and non-verbal communication is learned. The person may start to develop eye contact and proper tone of the voice may be achieved.



            3. Schedule activities

 A child with Asperger may resist schedule. To avoid tantrums and anxiety attacks,  parents should schedule child activities. Routine activities like play time, sleeping on a specific hour and going to school everyday will help them to get used to it thus lessening the chances of agitation and anxiety attacks.



            4. Cultivate interest

 Parents should observe their children with Asperger. Find out which certain field your child is interested and cultivate their interest. Common fields that  people with Asperger usually excel are playing piano and solving math problems. This is also one way to curb unusual hyperactivity, as they will learn to  divert their energy to worthwhile activities.



            5. Melatonin

Children with Asperger find it hard to sleep at night since they are always hyperactive.  Melatonin supplements may help regulate sleeping patterns. However, melatonin may  have side effects like oversleeping and headache. Ask first your doctor, if melatonin is safe to your child.



            6. Join any Asperger group

Asperger may bring depressive bouts to children and particularly their parents since raising a child with Asperger requires patience. To cope with the situation, it is recommended to join any Asperger group that deals with Asperger, their families and community. Families will find it easier to cope when they know that they are not alone.


Here are some Asperger’s disorder medicines and therapies that are effective in coping with Asperger. If your child shows uncontrollable hyperactivity or become self-injurious, see a doctor immediately for further medication and therapy.



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