7 proper food combining rules

1.   Proteins DO NOT Combine with Starches!

This rule heads the list as being the worst of the disease-producing habits. If you know anything about the facts of digestion, you’ll realize that there’s no way this combination will ever digest. What about meat and potatoes, hamburgers, sub sandwiches, meat pizzas, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs and all? Take for example the hamburger-the meat is a protein and the bread is a starch. It takes a series of acid digestive juices to digest the protein and a series of alkaline digestive juices to digest the starch. Did you ever burn yourself in chemistry class with acid and were told to apply an alkaline to neutralize the acid? This same result is what happens to the digestive juices in the stomach when you eat a protein and a starch together. They neutralize themselves and NO DIGESTION IS THE RESULT. If it doesn’t digest properly, it rots in our stomachs.

Whole grain (quinoa) and leafy greens (brussel sprouts)

Any soaked nuts, grains and sprouts (all proteins) combine very well with any leafy green produce. The same is true for flesh products, add leafy greens and you have a good combination. My Salad for LIFE! is a complete, perfectly combined food with any of the above mentioned.


Avocados combine well with all starchy vegetables and grains.

Legumes combine fairly well with grains.

2.   Fruits DO NOT Combine with Starches!

The digestion of fruits requires hardly any time at all in the mouth and stomach while starches require most of their digestion time in the mouth and stomach. The fruit sugars are quickly absorbed into the intestines while the starch requires digestion in the mouth and stomach. Starch is the only food that begins to digest in the mouth with the enzyme Ptyalin. If the fruit sugars are held up in the stomach while the digestion of starch continues, the food will rot in no time! Fruits and Starches will always be a problem when combined and eaten together. The rule of thumb, when eating fruit is-eat fruit as a fruit meal. This doesn’t leave too much in favor of raisins bran products, fruit preserves on toast or bananas in your cereal or carrot slaw with raisins, etc…there are so many bad combination of this. We think are fine, because we were taught it’s healthy. But when you think about it, oranges and rice doesn’t sounds too good either.

See the article on fruit combining for more information on properly combined fruit categories. Oranges and Apples are well combined together. All Berries combined together are too! But Bananas eat them alone.

3.   Fruits DO NOT COMBINE with Proteins!

Avocado and mango salad

Once again, fruit sugars are absorbed directly into the intestines and the protein requires much time digesting in the stomach. If the sugars are held back in the stomach while trying to digest the protein you can bank on this 100% of the time, the food will rot. There is an exception to this rule-Avocados combine well with acid and sub acid fruits AND there is enough oil in seeds and nuts (raw and soaked) to prolong the protein digestive gastric juices in the stomach while the fruit sugars of acid fruits and papaya are absorbed into the intestines. BE WISE – DON’T COMPROMISE. Your health is your greatest treasure.

Please, see the article on fruit combining for proper fruit combinations,

4.   Fruits DO NOT Combine with Vegetables

An easy way to remember this is that FRUITS are CLEANSERS and VEGETABLES ARE BUILDERS. Do NOT combine fruits and vegetables. No way can you build a house and clean it at the same time. Tomatoes are considered a fruit and are an exception to this rule along with apples (in moderation) and papayas.

5.   Eat Melons Alone or Leave Them Alone-OR YOUR STOMACH WILL MOAN!

Melons combine with no other food! They are in the simplest form and require not much digestion time at all in the stomach. If they are held back in the stomach of 104° while digesting anything, they WILL ROT. Put a piece of melon outside in the sun of 80° or 90° and watch it rot before your eyes. Melons-eat them alone or leave them alone.

6.   Acid Fruits DO NOT Combine With Sweet Fruits

No exceptions to this rule!

7.   Desert the Desserts!

When you eat sweets, even fruit, after a meal, you foul up your digestion process and your food rots. Bacteria turn the foods into Alcohols and Vinegars and NO DIGESTION is the result. Nature’s way of releasing gas from the system via the bowels is a natural process, but it’s not natural to have foul-smelling gas.

The Bottom Line is: The strength of a person lies not in the food they eat, but their persistence in eating the foods the way they should for optimal digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

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