Category Archives: Menopause

7 Well-Recognized Natural Menopause Remedies For Hot Flashes

Menopause symptoms vary from woman to woman. Not every single sign of menopause is dominantly exhibited. There are times when you may have insomnia or joint pains. Your doctor can’t exactly tell you what you would have to deal with when menopause sets in. Medical reasons as to why the signs and symptoms come out that way are not yet established. So you and your doctor are left to face the menopausal symptom as they come.

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5 Established Facts About Natural Hormone Replacement

Hormonal imbalance is a disorder that affects so many people worldwide. This is when the necessary hormones that you need are not produced sufficiently. This results to an imbalance or an inefficient functioning of various systems of your body that results to a myriad of disorders that affect your way of living and overall outlook. This usually affects women through menopause but could also be an issue in men through andropause. Estrogen, testosterone, or a combination of these two are often used in treating hormonal imbalance.

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11 Established Causes of Female Weight Gain

Women have always been known for their hormone fluctuations. Hormones play a very big role in their overall well-being. They are also responsible for female weight gain. Female bodies tend to undergo more changes than the male ones. Every slight glitch or twitch that women experience makes their hormones change very quickly. This influences the way they look at themselves, at the world, and at the way they live and eat.

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Easy to follow Natural Remedies of Menopause

Every woman can not avoid this major change specifically when she reaches middle age and beyond in her life where she can experience the symptoms of what we called, menopause.  Menopause is a medical term characterized by the permanent ending of the main functions of a woman’s ovary.   It is from the Greek word pausis and the root men which means, the end of monthly cycles. Continue reading