Tag Archives: warm up

Achilles heel injury Part 2

Specific steps to minimize the risk of Achilles tendon injury include:

  • Wear the right shoes and sports shoes. The way a person walks, runs, and jumps is related to their individual bio-mechanics: their bone, muscle, and tendon structure. Achilles tendon injuries can be caused by common bio-mechanical issues such as high arches, low arches, having legs of slightly different lengths, etc. Bio-mechanical issues can often be addressed by wearing the right shoes. Continue reading

20 week marathon training program for beginners

Congratulations on your decision to train for your first marathon! This training schedule (see table below) is perfect for a beginner runner and a first-time marathoner whose goal is to finish the 26.2-mile race. To start this beginner marathon training schedule, you should have been running for at least six months and should have a base mileage of 12-15 miles per week.

If you have not already had a physical, visit your doctor for medical clearance to train for a marathon. Continue reading